Title: sunsets (with you) Pairings: Minseok/Sehun Genre: fluff, romance Rating: pg-13 Length: 3156 words Summary: when the sun sets, you turn a page Notes: this was orignally written for xiuhunation!
Title: mutual misunderstanding Pairings: Luhan/Minseok Genre: HP!au Rating: pg-13 Length: 4400 words Summary: the problem is that minseok always assumes. Notes: this was orignally written for exolliarmus!
Title: this is not an ending Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Minseok/Luhan Length: 1203 words Summary: Endings meant goodbyes, and both of them refuse to say it. Notes: This was very rushed, because I wanted to write something for XiuHan day. c:
Title: football Pairing: Minseok/Luhan Genre: slight!angst, non!au Length: drabble Summary: Even though everything else remains constant, it will never be the same. Note: this just wrote itself tbh, unbetaed